February 19, 2009


Filed under: Social — sentinelleader @ 3:45 AM

This issue was originally published on 26thJanuary 2009 as Vol. 4 of Sentinel Leader.

For many of us, HISTORY is a boring subject, understanding of which gives us no benefit. But just for a change, think otherwise. History is a story of our culture, our struggles and our evolution through ages. If that real story doesn’t touch our heart, then aren’t we insensitive and ignorant in many ways? While we celebrate our National Days with pride, do we really know the difference between being Republic, Democratic & Independent?

Refresh yourself if you have forgotten the difference: REPUBLIC means Country returning to public, but with a Charter/Constitution as the supreme law of land; DEMOCRACY is the Rule of the majority chosen by public & INDEPENDENCE is the freedom from Colonial rule. The Republic Day is an occasion to cherish India’s strengths, its cultural heritage and its sense of unity in diversity.

Let us gaze through one of the controversial email clips circulated far and wide, not to find out the truth or refute authenticity, but for understanding of underlying notion.


Macaulay's words“I have travelled across the length and breadth of India and I have not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief. Such wealth I have seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such calibre, that I do not think we would ever conquer this country, unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage, and, therefore, I propose that we replace the old and ancient education system, her culture, for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will lose their self esteem, their native culture and they will become what we want them, a truly dominated nation.”


1.      Was Lord Macaulay a member of British Parliament in 1835 or member of Governing council of East India Company, during the time he is said to have addressed the Parliament, back in Britain? Internet information states that Lord Macaulay arrived in India on 10th June 1834, to serve British India Government, as the member of Supreme Council of India and returned only in 1838.


2.      Is British Parliament Records an open document to public? Historians says that Lord Macaulay’s speeches, essays and minutes remain on record, to prove that he did not affect the sentiment for a literary or oratorical purpose but doesn’t mention about public access of official correspondence and minutes of meetings.


3.      From where did this speech surface after 173 years? The source of clip is cited to be: “The Awakening Ray”, Vol. 4, No. 5, The Gnostic Centre, reproduced in “NITI”, a periodic publication of Bharat Vikas Parishad, Delhi in April, 2002 Issue at p. 10.


4.      Is this information authentic? Hoax or real, it still remains a controversy. But what we have to think over & compare is the content & current relevance of those words.

FOOTNOTE: Before being judgemental remember the words of Francis Bacon Sr. “Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, but to weigh and consider”.

Sources: Trevelyan, Sir George Otto (1876). The Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Page 235 (Reissued in 1978). http://www.languageinindia.com/april2003/macaulay.html


Filed under: Social — sentinelleader @ 3:28 AM

Are we insensitive and ignorant about the world around us??? Many mishaps occur around us and we hardly know about it. It is not a matter of being local, national or international. It is all about preoccupation in our own world of emotions and environment. Some incidents are inflatable enough to shift apart our ignorance, feelings and perceptions for a lifetime. But when such informative, realistic and idealistic happenings are upheld by media and uploaded in YouTube, we find irrational, illogical and insulting responses about it, from viewers. It seems even for a second, people don’t think about the fact that those happenings can be real and tragic. Ignorance is the root cause of negative criticism.

21This is the picture of a baby who was victim of a very rare genetic disorder termed Harlequin Ichthyosis, which occur 1 in 300,000 births according to medics. Reasons for this can be severe skin disorders of parents or couple being consanguineous. Such babies have massive horny shell of dense plate like scales and contraction abnormalities of the eyes, ears, mouth and appendages. Most babies born with this condition die within the first few hours or days after birth either due to respiratory distress or under nourishment.

Source of Information: http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1111503-overview

att00137This image is from Dantesque in the Faroe Islands where every year entire pods of whales, around 2,000 of them, are driven ashore and slaughtered in the name of 400 years old custom. It depicts the barbarism done against friendly whales like the Calderon, inspite of existing laws and social protest. This practise is not only atrocious but also outrageous. It has been reported that as these animals slowly bleed to death, some left out whales swim around their sibling’s blood pool for hours and this can be because they feel the same pain and fear to every speck as much as we do.

Source of Information: http://www.campaign-whale.org

Are we becoming so busy in our personal life that we are shutting ourselves from world’s mysteries & miseries?? THINK about your social consciousness, awareness and responses. If you feel you are unaware or insensitive to such things, start updating yourself; because life is short and knowledge sphere is vast. Let us gain & share something before we leave.

FOOTNOTE: “Something is better than Nothing” & “Know something about everything & everything about something”; “Knowledge is Power” & “Silence is Golden” BUT sometimes knowledge has to break the silence in order to overpower ignorance and weakness. Empower yourself with enthusiasm!!!


Filed under: Social — sentinelleader @ 2:43 AM
butterfly2LEAD YOURSELF:  Leadership is a quality, a discipline, a vision that starts from one’s self. Every human being has a leader in him/her.  In simple terms, if you are a free thinker, you will decide your choice from among various preferences, through which you lead yourself lifeward. This is the basic and most essential trait/attribute in a good leader. This includes various specifications like Decision making ability; Communication skill; Self consciousness; Self motivation & Self confidence.

When we know what we want in life and what our priorities are then the decision making power creeps and crawls into our words & actions. This is because when we know what appeals us, the vision of goals and destinations becomes sound and clear. With uncertainty in mind, no one can have a clear vision & mission.

If ever you find impediments infront of you, instead of avoiding it, get over it. It makes you feel more confident and gives you the feeling of being a winner. If you haven’t yet got over the problems of uncertainty in decision making, start doing it now from the simplest of simple situations in life. As we grow through experiences, we learn to identify what is too much for us, what is too little for us and what is exactly the right quantity and quality for us.

leadership1Decisions made by even the most prudent man need not be always correct. A decision/choice is the outcome of circumventing situations. As situation changes, decisions may also change. So there cannot be an ultimate right and wrong, except in case of crimes.  Dare to take decisions for a long term.

Role of communication in success is that if you can’t communicate properly to yourself, you can never meticulously communicate yourself to others. So understand the value of written and verbal communications. Every word holds a quantum of energy. While putting right words together at the right time to the right person makes you a good orator and a distinguished writer.

Before getting to higher levels, stop for a while and think whether you have done justice to yourself. Have you ever had a talk with yourself? If not, before making any decision, listen to your inner voice, the words of soul. Speak to yourself in silence and analyse your strengths and weakness, potentials and limitations. When you realise what you are, then you can decide what you want to be. This is called self consciousness, the knowledge about one’s self.

commitmentWhen you decide what your goals and destinations are, dare to speak about it to people around you. By doing this you are giving commitment to yourself and to the world, to prove yourself. Take up the challenge and walk ahead. Here is where you require self motivation. Because in life’s journey you made your decisions and so aligned responsibilities are also yours. To keep your pace steady, be self motivated rather than leaning on to the shoulders of others. Nobody can and will shoulder you for a lifetime. Face challenges. Behave matured. Grow up with your age. Let this growth be emotional, mental, spiritual and intellectual.  Kick start your days with a purpose and urge to give out your best and do your part with faith in your abilities with a true heart, in a sensible manner. This is what we call self confidence. If there is no road already laid, make up your way.

Don’t bother whether anybody follows your path or not. But live upto your expectations by giving out your best. Do justice to your life on Earth as a rational human being. Let your words and deeds work out for good of all and at the end of the day when you turn back let your life be a garden of beautiful relationships and wonderful memories rather than pain, tears, anger and regrets. Because ultimately that is what counts and that all life is all about.


Food For Thought:  Survival of Fittest happens only when the fittest is proven as the best, in its own personal traits & realm, in natural selection.


February 8, 2009

A TO Z Mantras of Successful Life

Filed under: Social — sentinelleader @ 8:01 PM

a-to-z1. A healthy ATTITUDE about oneself;

2. An alert BRAIN willing to explore world;

3. Calculative & CREATIVE as to present and future;

4. Dare to be DIFFERENT from others;

5. Feel and be ENERGETIC, mentally & physically;

6. Have some FUN everyday and treasure the memories of it;

7. Learn to GIVE more rather than to take from others;

8. Be HAPPY with whatever you have and value it;

9. Be INTUITIVE and informative about day to day events;

10. Enjoy JOKES and smile at yourself more often;

11. Be KIND to all who deserves your helping hand;

12. LIVE for today, forget painful past;

13. Always have the MAGIC of love in eyes;

14. NEVER pretend to be someone else whom you are not;

15. Believe in the OMNIPOTENT creator;

16. Be PROUD of yourself and your abilities;

17. QUESTION the wrong things that happen around you;

18. RESPECT yourself & others, then alone others will revert;

19. Always try to SMILE and take everything lightly;

20. TIME & TRAVEL gives lots of experiences, understand it;

21. USE your potentials for good and positive things;

22. VALUE relationships, never betray anyone;

23. Be WILLING to change with an adventure spirit;

24. Dare to dream to the XTREME;

25. Remember that most important person in your world is ‘YOU’;

26. Have the ZEAL to face and enjoy Life!!!!!

Hello world!

Filed under: Social — sentinelleader @ 7:15 PM

Sentinel Leader is a concept meant for knowledge dessipation and creative thinking……Being alive is the most important aspect for every human beings. only when we are alive, the rest of the proprities matters. But if you are reading this blog, you are far ahead of thousands of millons of people living in this world and very much lucky for that matter because you are sophisticated with means of food and shelter, proper education and technology at finger tips. Also you have the sensibility and intelligence to differenciate and dimarcate good and bad, positive and negative, creation and distruction. And still many times we forget our responsibilities to ourselves, our society and our dear ones. We forget to cherish the boons we have, we neglect to explore the world around us and avoids relishing the wonderful gifts of nature. Humble attempt and intention of  Sentinel Leader is to collaborate information, emotions and rationality into topics of common interest,  for the evolution of  a better society, that acknowledges and appriciates life and its blessings.

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